Publishing Twice a Week
The Macdonald Notebook is your source for exclusive Business & Inside Politics publishing every Saturday and Sunday.
Latest Issue
MacPolitics: Mike Kelloway Stakes Out His Ground
MacPolitics: Battiste Wants To Be Acclaimed In New Riding – But His Home Is In Another New Riding
Saturday Edition, Below
N.S. Screen Industry Especially Vulnerable to Trade War: Hope for Wildlife Producer John Wesley Chisholm
Former Deputy Health Minister Applauds Houston Government Move Towards Universal Mental Health Care
Houston’s MSI Covered Therapy Sessions: Still Imperfect, But Better, Writes GP Brooks
MacPolitics: As Liberal Choice, Mark Carney Would Tie Conservatives’ Pierre Poilievre: Poll
MacPolitics: MP Mike Kelloway Endorses Mark Carney
Houston Identifies Nova Scotia’s Over-Regulation Problem, Now He Must Act: Alex Whalen
Today Is The Birthday For Canada’s Maple Leaf Flag — First Flown On This Day 60 Years Ago
Opinion: Neal Livingston: January Was Embarrassing Month To Be Nova Scotian
Speech From The Throne
That’s The End Of The Saturday Edition
Jim David Eats: My Take On…The Best Of 2024
Check Out The Notebook Archives For 8,200 stories Since Founding Year of 2017
MacPolitics: Baillie’s Campaign Manager: NDP Collapse Hurt Tories
Jun 2, 2017 | Politics
MacPolitics: Chester-St. Margarets’ MacKay: I siphoned Tory Votes
Jun 2, 2017 | Politics
MacPolitics: Pollster Mills: Liberals in Minority-Majority Terrain
May 26, 2017 | Politics
Don Mills believes the Liberal government of Stephen McNeil is on the cusp of either a majority or a minority government.
MacPolitics: Film Tax Credit Major South Shore Issue – Chaisson
May 26, 2017 | Politics
Julie Chaisson says the McNeil government’s decision to remove the $24 million film tax credit two years ago is a major issue in the riding of Chester St. Margaret’s.
MacPolitics: NDPer Wallbridge: Will Be Happy With Growth
May 26, 2017 | Politics
David Wallbridge, a leading NDP organizer, admits the Gary Burrill -led party is not going to form Nova Scotia’s government on Tuesday.
MacPolitics: Kousoulis Says Batherson Is Fear Mongering
May 26, 2017 | Politics
Labi Kousoulis, Liberal incumbent in Halifax Citadel, says Tory challenger Rob Batherson is fear mongering over the government’s decision to put a medical clinic in Bayers Lake.
MacPolitics: Election Night Snacks
May 26, 2017 | Politics
For every election for more than 40 years—federal, provincial, municipal, and even the occasional international contest—I have been part of a changing group of political junkies who gather to argue, prognosticate, and analyze. Eventually, as the results pour in, we celebrate or sink into the proverbial slough of despond. And, of course, we munch on food appropriate to the occasion and enjoy our favourite beverage.
MacPolitics: Joe Clark Staying Out of Federal Tory Vote
May 26, 2017 | Politics
Joe Clark is not going to vote in the national Conservative leadership race.
That is the word from his wife, Maureen McTeer, who spoke to The Macdonald Notebook after receiving an honorary degree recently from Acadia University in Wolfville.
MacPolitics: Rob Smith’s Liberal Conversion Still Stands
May 26, 2017 | Politics
Rob Smith has remained committed to his new political party, and is actively working the phones and canvassing for Bedford Liberal Kelly Regan.
MacPolitics: Maureen McTeer: Clinton Lost Over Misogyny
May 19, 2017 | Politics
Editor’s Note: This is my second part of my recent chat with former Canadian first lady Maureen McTeer.
Maureen McTeer believes Hilary Clinton lost the recent American election because of misogyny.
Articles by Topic
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