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Brian Mulroney Reads The Macdonald Notebook & So, To, Do These Leading Journalists…

Feb 3, 2024 | Arts & Culture, Business, Opinion, Politics, Real Estate

Brian Mulroney Reads The Macdonald Notebook & So, To, Do These Leading Journalists…

By Andrew Macdonald

Canada’s Top News Junkie Brian Mulroney Reads The Macdonald Notebook – Do you? Here Are Some Reader Endorsements:

Former  Progressive Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney has been a faithful Macdonald Notebook paid reader since my launch seven years ago in 2017.

When he called that year to give me his credit card for a subscription, I actually said: ‘Oh, Mr. Prime Minister, you can have it for free”, because I thought it neat the country’s top political junkie wanted to read my Business & Inside Political Coverage.

His response, as I recall it: “Oh, no, you are a new business person, a new entrepreneur and I want to support your business”.

Brian Mulroney reads The Macdonald Notebook, do you? The former Tory Prime Minister is in this file photo with St. FX students Margaret Elliotte (left) and Emma Lotte (right). The Notebook photo.

NS Giants of Journalism also read my Macdonald Notebook.

Here are some of these scribes’ endorsements:

Al Hollingsworth, now deceased, in his lifetime was a NS Giant of NS Political & Sports Journalism.

In the 1980s, he was the lead NS Political Journalist of that era, writing what was then a must-read political gossip column in the old Halifax Daily News.

Al Hollingsworth, a retired| NS Political Journalist says: “The Notebook is a must-read”.

Here is what Hollingsworth said of his Macdonald Notebook reading experience:

“If you’re into business & politics, the Port of Halifax, The Macdonald Notebook is a must-read.

“You have some wonderful connections, and I would never ask who they are – but you do have some great insight into business & politics, and it shines in your writings.

“The Notebook is a must-read, I read it every day you publish”.

And, here is what another lead NS Giant of Political Journalism, Jim Vibert, formerly of The Halifax Herald & Saltwire Network columnist, says of my journalism:

“Hi Andrew: Just wanted to send along a note to say that I’m more than impressed with the continued success of The Macdonald Notebook, and by your incredible proficiency.

The former great Halifax Herald Political Journalist had a major influence on my 34-year-long journalism career, when I was a teenage Herald paperboy, I would read his 1982-1986 Herald columns. I was supposed to become a third-generation road builder. (Halifax Herald photo).

“The quality and number of great stories you deliver week after week tell me you must be doing well”.

The great retired Halifax Herald Political Journalist had a major influence on my 34-year-long journalism career, when I was a teenage Herald paperboy, I would read Vibert’s 1982-1986 Herald columns. I was supposed to become a third-generation road builder.

And, here is what another Halifax Herald journalist, the able and talented Chris Lambie says of The Notebook:

“Andrew, your newsletters keep getting better and better. Congratulations on carrying your energy for reporting to a platform of your own”.

For other reader endorsements, check out what these prominent business leaders and politicos have to say about reading The Notebook, click here:

Priced at an affordable $3.50 per week, and billed every month for a price of $16.10, including HST, or you can pay annually, see my secure subscribe button on The Macdonald Notebook’s website.

Thanks for your patronage.

For other reader endorsements, check out what these prominent business leaders and politicos have to say about reading The Notebook, click here.

To go to my secure subscribe button on The Macdonald Notebook’s website, click here.

Left, ‘Cowboy’ Tom McInnis, former Eastern Shore Buchanan cabinet minister, Brian Mulroney and a rather youthful Jim David, who would go on to log 35-years as NS PC executive director.  Jim David writes a foodie column for The Macdonald Notebook.

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